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Reviving Water-Damaged Wood Floors: 3 Easy Steps
December 22, 2022

If your wood flooring has suffered water damage, you may be wondering if it’s possible to revive it. The good news is yes—it can be done! But first, let’s talk about the cause of water damage so that you can prevent it from happening again in the future. 

Wood flooring is susceptible to water damage from several sources, such as flooding, improper cleaning, and leaky pipes or appliances. Moisture causes wood to swell and warp over time, which can lead to cracks and buckling.

Fortunately, there are ways to repair water-damaged wood floors without having to replace them entirely. Here are 3 easy steps for reviving your damaged wood floors. 

Step 1: Clean the Surface 

The first step in repairing your water-damaged wood floors is to thoroughly clean the surface of any dirt or debris that may have accumulated due to flooding or other sources of moisture.

You'll want to use a mild cleaner and a soft brush or cloth to avoid scratching the surface of the wood. Once all of the dirt has been removed, allow the flooring to dry completely before moving on to step two. 

Step 2: Fill Any Cracks or Holes 

Once you've cleaned and dried your floors, inspect them for any cracks or holes that may have formed due to warping caused by moisture. Minor cracks can often be filled with putty or epoxy; however, more serious structural damage may need professional attention from a carpenter or contractor. 

Step 3: Refinish your Floors 

If any structural damage has been addressed, you'll want to refinish your floors with a new finish appropriate for your type of wood and environment (e.g., high-humidity rooms like bathrooms).

This will help protect against further moisture damage and will also give your floors a brand-new look! As always, make sure you follow all manufacturer's instructions when applying any finishes or sealants. 

How do you know if my wood floors are water damaged?

Discoloration or Staining of the Wood 

One of the earliest signs of water damage is discoloration or staining of the wood. If you notice any dark spots on your floors, this could be a sign that the wood has been exposed to too much moisture for too long.

Even if you don’t see any standing water, it doesn’t mean your floor is free from moisture – it just means that the water has been absorbed into the wood and is now causing staining. Unfortunately, this can happen even if you think your flooring is sealed against moisture. 

Buckling or Warping of the Floorboards 

Another sign of water damage is the buckling or warping of the floorboards themselves. This occurs when moisture seeps into the boards and causes them to swell up and become out-of-shape.

This can cause an uneven surface in your flooring that may make walking difficult or uncomfortable. Warped boards may also start creaking as they rub against each other due to misalignment caused by swelling from moisture absorption. 

Musty Smells  

If you smell a musty odor coming from your floors, it could be another sign of water damage.

Mold and mildew love damp environments so prolonged exposure to moisture can create ideal conditions for these organisms to grow and spread throughout your flooring.

Not only will this create an unpleasant smell but it can also compromise the air quality in your home as mold spores get circulated through your HVAC system! It's important to address such issues quickly before they become more serious problems down the road. 


Water-damaged wood floors don't have to mean replacing them entirely—there are simple steps you can take at home for reviving them! Start by thoroughly cleaning the surface of any dirt and debris that may have accumulated due to flooding or other sources of moisture.

Next, fill any cracks or holes with putty or epoxy as needed before finally refinishing with a coat of appropriate finish suitable for your type of wood flooring and environment. With these three steps in mind, you'll have beautiful-looking floors in no time!

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