Clean Slate Services, Inc.

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Home Remediation In Asharoken, NY
July 9, 2021

House Mold Removal In Asharoken, NY

If you’re looking for a home mold removal company in Asharoken, NY, Clean Slate Services is the right choice. We offer professional and affordable services that will make your home or business safe again.

Mold can be found in many different places around your home or office, but it thrives in areas with high humidity and moisture levels. It can also grow on surfaces like wood, drywall, carpeting, insulation material and wallpaper – so it’s important to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Our team has years of experience removing mold from homes and businesses in Asharoken, NY. We know how to identify where mold is growing and use our expertise to remove it safely without damaging any property or belongings inside the building. You won't have to worry about coming back into contact with harmful spores when we're done!

Call us today at (631) 977-9300 for more information about our house mold removal services!

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Clean Slate Services will do everything we can to ensure your experience with us is excellent.


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